


  1. The Indo-Pacific population is " Aetobatus ocellatus " and the East Pacific is " Aetobatus laticeps ".
  2. The Indo-Pacific population is " Aetobatus ocellatus " and the East Pacific is " Aetobatus laticeps ".
  3. It formerly included poulations in the northwest Pacific, but these were recognized as a separate species, " Aetobatus narutobiei ", in 2013.
  4. A great hammerhead has also been seen attacking a spotted eagle ray ( " Aetobatus narinari " ) in open water by taking a massive bite out of one of its pectoral fins.
  5. Although traditonally considered to have a circumglobal distribution in tropical oceans throughout the world, recent authorities have restricted the true " Aetobatus narinari " to the Atlantic Ocean based on morphologic evidence.
  6. It's difficult to find aetobatuss in a sentence. 用aetobatuss造句挺难的
  7. Until 2013, this species was included in the longheaded eagle ray ( " Aetobatus flagellum " ), but the two differ in genetics, pest that preys on commercially valuable farmed bivalves and large numbers are culled every year.
  8. The " Tuvalu Marine Life " study also recorded low densities of two species of rays : manta ray ( " Manta birostris " ) and spotted eagle ray ( " Aetobatus narinari " ), which are both listed on the IUCN Red List of threatened species, as  near threatened species.


  1. "aetobatus flagellum"造句
  2. "aetobatus laticeps"造句
  3. "aetobatus narinari"造句
  4. "aetobatus narutobiei"造句
  5. "aetobatus ocellatus"造句
  6. "aetodactylus"造句
  7. "aetogate"造句
  8. "aetokremnos"造句
  9. "aetole"造句
  10. "aetolia"造句

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