


  1. Other trends include Islamisation, Japanisation, Africanisation, and Sinicisation.
  2. However, in Katanga Belgian officers resisted the Africanisation of the army.
  3. Africanisation'is the word for this process elsewhere.
  4. A policy of Africanisation, meant many were sacked in favour of black Africans.
  5. This " Africanisation " led to higher appreciation for black constables among senior policemen and the public.
  6. It's difficult to find africanisation in a sentence. 用africanisation造句挺难的
  7. The 1968 Committee on " Africanisation in Commerce and Industry " in Uganda made far-reaching Indophobic proposals.
  8. Milton Obote's government had pursued a policy of " Africanisation " which included policies targeted at Ugandan Asians.
  9. It was not even clear whether the nationalisation was supposed to complement the Africanisation of Uganda commerce or to re-prioritise it.
  10. In January 1964, following a mutiny by Tanganyikan soldiers in protest over their own Africanisation crisis, unrest spread throughout the Uganda Army.
  11. His policy was that of continuity and gradual Africanisation of the government, keeping many colonial civil servants in their old jobs as they were gradually replaced by Kenyans.
  12. After independence, the force followed an official policy of " Africanisation ", in which senior white officers were retired, and their positions filled by black officers.
  13. After Robert Mugabe took power, the force followed a racial policy " Africanisation ", in which senior white officers were forcibly retired and their positions filled by black officers.
  14. During the subsequent'south-africanisation'of Southwest Africa, around half of the remaining 15 000 German residents were deported with their farms being handed over to South Africans.
  15. In Southern Africa, it has come to be used as a term for a kind of Africanisation ( transition to majority rule ) process of these countries during the 1980s and 1990s.
  16. The report expressed fear about the loss of white racial pride, and in particular pointed to the danger that the poor white would not be able to resist the process of " Africanisation ".
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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