

  1. "' Aegialeus "'was the elder son of Adrastus, a king of Argos, and either Amphithea or Demonassa.
  2. In Greek mythology, "'Carya "'was a daughter of the Laconian king Dion and Amphithea, daughter of Pronax.
  3. This tradition made them children of a different Aeolus, the lord of the winds ( or the Tyrrhenian king ), and his wife Amphithea.
  4. Pronax'children were Lycurgus, who was believed to have been raised from the dead by Asclepius, and Amphithea, who married either Adrastus or Dion.
  5. 4 . "'Amphithea "', wife of Aeolus the Etrurian king, and mother of six sons and six daughters, the youngest boy being Macareus, who made his sister Canace pregnant.
  6. It's difficult to find amphithea in a sentence. 用amphithea造句挺难的
  7. Apollo, in reward for Dion and Amphithea receiving him with great reverence and hospitality, bestowed a gift of prophecy upon their daughters, but imposed a restriction that they should not betray gods nor search after forbidden lore.
  8. 3 . "'Amphithea "', wife of Autolycus and mother of Anticlea ( the mother of Odysseus ), Polymede ( possible mother of Jason ), and a number of sons, including Aesimus ( the father of Sinon ).
  9. God Apollo, who had been kindly received by Dion and Amphithea, rewarded them by conferring upon their three daughters, Orphe, Lyco, and Carya, the gift of prophecy, on condition, however, that they should not betray the gods nor search after forbidden things.


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