


  1. The mafic dykes are characterized by arc - like trace elements , high initial 87sr / 86sr ratios and low end ( t ) values , and show some familiarities with the emii - mantle source
    海南岛基性岩脉具有与“岛弧”特征相似的微量元素组成特征以及高sr 、低nd的同位素特征,表明其源自具有em特征的富集地幔。
  2. It is presented that the hydrous fluxing as well as adiaba tic decompression plays an important role in melting of morb - like mantle beneath marina trough . compared with basalts from other back arc basins , it concludes that the magma varies from morb - like to arc - like with the evolution ; during the earlier stage of evolution , there coexist the two morb - like and arc - like lavas , it may be the nature of the magma in back arc basins ( especially in the earlier stage )
  3. It's difficult to find arc-like in a sentence. 用arc-like造句挺难的


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  7. "arc-quenching"造句
  8. "arc-sin function"造句
  9. "arc-suppressing transformer"造句
  10. "arc-suppression"造句

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