


  1. St . francis of assisi s english primary school
  2. Francis of assisi , st
  3. Francis of assisi
  4. Francis of assisi in the 12th - century , who used them in his church nativity - plays
  5. It sold for ? 12m in 1990 . the painting was put up for sale by the st francis of assisi foundation in new york state
  6. It's difficult to find assisi in a sentence. 用assisi造句挺难的
  7. It will be a pilgrimage in the footsteps of st francis of assisi , prophet and witness of peace
  8. Now when they had gone forward a little , the peasant said to st francis : " tell me , art thou brother francis of assisi ?
    他们往前走了不久,那个农民对方济各说: “告诉我,您是不是方济各弟兄? ”
  9. Francis of assisi , a saint known for the kindness he showed to all the 1 ) creatures , large and small , that share the 2 ) planet
  10. I ve had three audiences with pope john paul ii , and i was at the recent small prayer meeting at st . francis basilica in assisi , italy
  11. It also brings to mind st . francis of assisi , the roman catholic patron saint of animals , and his special rapport with gods creatures
  12. I ve never been to a prayer meeting like the one i attended a couple of weeks ago in assisi , italy with pope john paul ii
  13. Together we affirmed in assisi that the mission of religion consists in fostering peaceful coexistence among peoples and cultures , in reciprocal respect
  14. This happened in the basilica of st . francis of assisi . here was this beautiful cathedral on these rolling hills . the environment was so peaceful
  15. So jonas salk decided to use the money to build a research institute . he searched for a place where he could build something so that other researchers could experience what he had in assisi
  16. Here was where st . francis of assisi lived , ministered , and where he wrote his beautiful poetry and his prayers . you know the one we pray so often , " lord , make me an instrument of thy peace
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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