


  1. Autocommit and autorollback in update
  2. When off , it returns the connection to autocommit transaction mode
    如果设置为off ,则使连接恢复为自动提交事务模式。
  3. In autocommit mode , all individual statements are committed if they complete successfully
  4. For example , a select statement is issued with autocommit off and before commit or rollback is issued
  5. Describes the two types of transactions supported by : sql server 2005 mobile edition : explicit and autocommit
    介绍sql server 2005 mobile edition支持的两种事务类型:显式事务和自动提交事务。
  6. It's difficult to find autocommit in a sentence. 用autocommit造句挺难的
  7. When sql server is running in autocommit mode , each individual sql statement is a transaction and the locks are freed when the statement finishes
    Sql server在自动提交模式下运行时,每个sql语句都是一个事务,并在语句结束时释放锁。
  8. By default , transactions in http soap sessions operate in autocommit mode where all individual statements are committed if they complete successfully
    默认情况下, http soap会话中的事务以自动提交模式运行,在这种模式下,各条语句都会在成功完成后提交。
  9. The create database statement must run in autocommit mode the default transaction management mode and is not allowed in an explicit or implicit transaction
    Create database语句必须以自动提交模式(默认事务管理模式)运行,不允许在显式或隐式事务中使用。
  10. The alter database statement must run in autocommit mode the default transaction management mode and is not allowed in an explicit or implicit transaction
    Alter database语句必须在自动提交模式(默认事务管理模式)下运行,且不允许用于显式或隐式事务中。
  11. By executing multiple requests in autocommit mode using multiple active result sets mars , it is possible to have more than one active transaction on a single session
    通过使用多个活动的结果集( mars )以自动提交模式执行多个请求,一个会话中可以有多个活动事务。
  12. Implicit transaction mode remains in effect until the connection executes a set implicit transactions off statement , which returns the connection to autocommit mode
    隐式事务模式将始终生效,直到连接执行set implicit _ transactions off语句使连接恢复为自动提交模式。
  13. Using api functions and transact - sql statements , you can start transactions in an instance of the sql server database engine as explicit , autocommit , or implicit transactions
    使用api函数和transact - sql语句,可以在sql server数据库引擎实例中将事务作为显式、自动提交或隐式事务来启动。
  14. When a statement begins executing in autocommit mode , there is an implied begin transaction to allow the recovery of all modifications generated by the statement if it encounters an error
    当语句开始以自动提交模式执行时,如果遇到错误,可以通过隐式begin transaction语句恢复该语句生成的所有修改。
  15. While pdo implements basic compatibility features , like ensuring autocommit is on for every database by default , or enabling bind - by - name and bind - by - position for every database driver , it will never emulate advanced database functionality like sequences or stored procedures that are not natively available for a given database
    虽然pdo实现了基本的兼容特性,比如保证每个数据库都默认打开autocommit 、支持每个数据库驱动程序的按名称绑定和按位置绑定,但是如果给定的数据库不支持序列和存储过程这类高级数据库功能, pdo也不可能模仿出来。


  1. "autocollage 2008"造句
  2. "autocollimating"造句
  3. "autocollimation"造句
  4. "autocollimator"造句
  5. "autocollimators"造句
  6. "autocommunication"造句
  7. "autocomplete"造句
  8. "autocompleted"造句
  9. "autocompletes"造句
  10. "autocompleting"造句

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