


  1. Examples of epiphytes are ferns growing in the axils .
  2. In a maturing soybean plant, most of the assimilate from a leaf went into the pod at the axil of that leaf .
  3. In the early january , ovuliferous scale primordial were acropetally formed in the axils of the developing bracts
  4. Bract scale the structure found in large numbers in the female cone of gymnosperms , each bearing an ovuliferous scale in its axil
  5. In the early december , the first bract primordium was formed in the axil scale at the cone base , then bract initiation had occurred in acropetal direction
  6. It's difficult to find axil in a sentence. 用axil造句挺难的
  7. The axillary branching process generally involves two developmental stages : the formation of axillary meristems in the leaf axils and subsequent axillary bud growth
  8. During flowering period , the decapitated 3yr old potted irwin mango showed three types of growth in axil - normal flower inflorescence , mixed panicle and new shoots
  9. Leaves leathery , ovate , obovate , elliptic or obovate - elliptic , 4 - 9 cm long and 1 - 4 cm wide , with 3 - 6 obtuse teeth on each side ; abaxially with tufts of hairs at axils of veins ; lateral nerves 7 - 10 pairs
    叶革质,卵形、倒卵形至椭圆形或倒卵状椭圆形,长4 - 9厘米,宽1 - 4厘米,每边有3 - 6钝齿,侧脉7 - 10对,背面脉腋有小毛丛。
  10. Cymes 1 - 2 in axil of leaves , rather short ; flowers pale green , 7 mm in diam . , 5 - merous ; sepals imbricate , inner two larger ; petals suborbicular , 3 mm long ; stamens without filaments ; pistil without style , stigma appressed , minutely 5 - lobed
    聚伞花序1 - 2腋生,短小;花淡绿色,直径约7毫米; 5数;萼片覆瓦状排列,内方2片较大,边缘常有深色细浅齿;花瓣近圆形,长约3毫米;雄蕊无花丝;雌蕊无花柱,柱头平贴,微5裂。
  11. Leaves 2 , arising from the scale axils , membranous , elliptic to ovate , 1 - 4 cm long and 0 . 5 - 2 cm wide , apex rounded or slightly acute , base rounded or cuneate , margin entire and wavy ; veins 3 , middle veins conspicuous , margin veins ca . 0 . 5 mm from the edge ; petiole 1 - 4 . 5 cm long
    叶2片自鳞片腋部生出,薄膜质,长椭圆形或卵形,长1 - 4厘米,宽0 . 5 - 2厘米,先端圆或略尖,基部圆形或楔形,边缘全缘呈波状;叶脉3条,中脉明显,缘脉距叶缘约0 . 5毫米;叶柄长1 - 4 . 5厘米。
  12. And the viviparous plantlets of both species are formed for the differentiation of floral primodium , but the position if viviparous plantlets is different . for the species of polygonum viviparum l . , the viviparous plantlets are formed in the inflorences , while in saxifraga cernua l are in the leaf axils . on the results of observation for morphology and anatomy , vascular bundles of viviparous plantlet are connected with that of their parent
    从来源和性质看,二者的胎生苗均由花原基直接分化形成;但从位置上看,珠芽蓼在花序中形成胎生苗,而珍珠虎耳草则在地上茎的叶腋部位形成胎生苗;从形态解剖角度观察,胎生苗的维管束与母体的维管束直接相连,胎生苗脱落时,其上已长出叶片1 - 3枚。
  13. Leaves papery , oval in outline , 6 - 7cm long and 8 - 11 cm wide , base rounded or subtruncate , trilobed or sometimes 5 - lobed ; lobes triangular - ovate , rarely ovate - oblong , apex acute or acuminate , margin serrulate , with appressed acute teeth , sometimes entire near base , glabrous or with tufted hairs at vein axils abaxially ; petiole 2 - 3 cm long , glabrous
    叶纸质,轮廓阔卵形,长6 - 7厘米,宽8 - 11厘米,基部圆或近截平, 3裂或有时5裂,裂片三角状卵形,有时卵状长圆形,顶端渐尖,边缘有疏而锐利地锯齿,有时近基部全缘,两面无毛或下面脉腋有簇毛;叶柄长2 - 3厘米,无毛。


  1. "axifera"造句
  2. "axiferous"造句
  3. "axigen"造句
  4. "axigluons"造句
  5. "axiidea"造句
  6. "axil of leaves"造句
  7. "axil the able"造句
  8. "axile"造句
  9. "axile placentation"造句
  10. "axile placentations"造句

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