


  1. Torres and Backhoff's wines are also heading north.
  2. Backhoff took an early interest in the transformative powers of food science.
  3. Backhoff said, shaking his head at the waste of it all.
  4. Backhoff's wines have picked up awards at a number of California festivals in recent years.
  5. Backhoff admits, " has a strong stereotype of tequilas and tacos, " not musky merlots.
  6. It's difficult to find backhoff in a sentence. 用backhoff造句挺难的
  7. The winemaker, Hans Backhoff, was born in Ensenada, with family roots in France, Germany and Spain.
  8. Backhoff, king of a dominion little known in the rest of the world, surveys his terrain with pride.
  9. Only about 3 percent of the product is exported, but Backhoff expects exports to climb to 6 percent this year.
  10. Despite his Teutonic name, Backhoff is, like his wine, a pure product of Mexico, with tangled roots abroad.
  11. Backhoff said he and his partners thought of the name of their winery after spring rains prompted beautiful desert flowers to bloom throughout the valley.
  12. Backhoff, a British-trained food scientist, said he made wine as a hobby in Baja California before getting together a group of investors in 1987 and opening up Monte Xanic.
  13. For years, Backhoff nurtured a dream of someday cultivating his own wine _ one made in Mexico, but tasting as good as the French vintages he remembers sipping when a graduate student.
  14. Backhoff said, as he poured a sample of Merlot aging in a French oak barrel at his winery, Monte Xanic ( pronounced, " Mon-TAY Sha-NEEK " ).
  15. Just down the road from Chateau Camou, winemaker Hans Backhoff, who grew up in this area, also praises the soil, sun and chilly nights that create a nourishing micro-climate for grapes.
  16. Up a rutted dirt road 10 miles as the eagle flies from the Pacific Ocean, nestled in a valley almost no one has heard of, Hans Backhoff is squeezing fine wine from the dry soil, carrying on a tradition that goes back nearly 500 years.


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