


  1. On the relation between xiangyue and baojia in the qing dynasty in the north of china
  2. 43 baojia street
  3. The baojia system that qing government requested was executed in these two counties
  4. Baojia that bore the line of duty appeared in country of china in the late qing . the organization was divided into two degrees , xiang ( several villages ) and cun ( village )
    清中期以后,在地方上普遍出现的是承担地方主要公务的保甲组织,这个组织大多分为乡? ?村两级,乡村负责人以连带责任的方式向县衙负责。
  5. The 500 - kilovolt electricity transmission line , extending from fangzheng , mudanjiang , dunhua to baojia , as part of the project of “ electricity transmission from north to south ” of the province , has been completed and will be put into operation in succession
    近日,黑龙江“北电南送” 500千伏方正牡丹江敦化包家输变电工程的线路架设全部竣工,并即将陆续投入运营。
  6. It's difficult to find baojia in a sentence. 用baojia造句挺难的


  1. "baohuang"造句
  2. "baohuang hui"造句
  3. "baohuanghui"造句
  4. "baoji"造句
  5. "baoji city"造句
  6. "baojia street"造句
  7. "baojia system"造句
  8. "baojin expressway"造句
  9. "baojing"造句
  10. "baojing county"造句

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