

  1. Combat rounds are repeated until one battleforce withdraws or is destroyed.
  2. Cobra Commander immediately reneges on the agreement and orders shelling on Battleforce 2000.
  3. A revised version of " BattleForce " is also consolidated into the book.
  4. BattleForce was designed to remedy this problem.
  5. This multiplied by the compot produces the number of damage points scored on the enemy battleforce.
  6. It's difficult to find battleforce in a sentence. 用battleforce造句挺难的
  7. One such difference was that Federation Space did not use the battleforce concept in combat resolution.
  8. He next appears as part of a security team, with Frusenland to help Battleforce 2000.
  9. Later, Battleforce 2000 is a minor part of the invading force assisting Serpentor during the Cobra Civil War.
  10. Promoted to Rear Admiral in 1927 and as Commander of Battleforce Submarines using the submarine tender as his flagship.
  11. So a battleforce headed by a dreadnought could bring up to ten other warships with it into the combat phase.
  12. He shows up to continue the Battleforce's mission, to rescue other Joes that had been pinned by Cobra fire.
  13. Before the end of the year, the G . I . Joe special team Battleforce 2000 was introduced in time for Christmas.
  14. New units have been added to BattleForce game ( including new units added to BattleTech since its launch, including Large Naval Vessels ).
  15. One of the Battleforce 2000 team members discovers that loud music assists in neutralizing the angry feelings and a counter-offensive is now possible.
  16. A supplementary rulebook called " Strategic Operations " includes several chapters for revised and updated edition of BattleForce and its successor Battleforce 2.
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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