

  1. It was serialized by Shueisha in the August 2004 to October 2007 issues of " Bessatsu Margaret " ( Betsuma ) magazine and collected in eight imprint.
  2. To commemorate the broadcast of the drama series, Yoko Kamio created an additional manga chapter, which was released as a bonus with the September 2008 issue of Betsuma.
  3. A second season was announced in the November 2010 issue of " Betsuma " magazine and was airing on NTV, starting from 4 January to 30 March 2011.
  4. A forty-three page bonus chapter, to commemorate the release of the live-action film, was printed in the April 2015 issue of " Betsuma ".
  5. An additional chapter, first published as a bonus with the September 2008 issue of Betsuma, and an afterword by Yoko Kamio were included in the fifth and final volume of this edition.
  6. It's difficult to find betsuma in a sentence. 用betsuma造句挺难的
  7. Kamio's next project, " Cat Street ", is another shMjo drama / romance published by Shueisha and serialized in the monthly " Bessatsu Margaret " ( " Betsuma " ), with the first collected " tankMbon " volume released on April 25, 2005.


  1. "betstar"造句
  2. "betsu"造句
  3. "betsucomi"造句
  4. "betsugi"造句
  5. "betsukai"造句
  6. "betsumon"造句
  7. "betsuyaku"造句
  8. "betsy"造句
  9. "betsy aardsma"造句
  10. "betsy and joe"造句

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