

  1. The western border is to the quarter Billwerder.
  2. Anna Barbara Dorothea of Winterfeld never owned more than a house in Billwerder, until her death in 1739.
  3. The first children's home was established on 8 August 1847 in Hamburg, in the district Billwerder and became a shelter for 32 children.
  4. Billwerder is part of the Marschlande ( " marshlands " ) area in Hamburg, which is known for its wet and muddy grounds.
  5. Billwerder's landscape is formed by the transition of rural Vierlande into the industrial and commercial areas near the Port of Hamburg, such as nearby Billbrook.
  6. It's difficult to find billwerder in a sentence. 用billwerder造句挺难的
  7. The 8th battalions should be established in Billwerder, Ochsenwerder, and Finkenwerder, the 9th in St . Pauli, and the 10th in Ritzeb黷tel ( now Cuxhaven ).
  8. After being beaten into unconsciousness by unidentified perpetrators in November 2006 he was transferred from " Justizvollzugsanstalt Billwerder " in Hamburg to " Justizvollzugsanstalt Tegel " in Berlin.
  9. The quarters Allerm鰄e, Altengamme, Bergedorf, Billwerder, Curslack, Kirchwerder, Lohbr黦ge, Moorfleet, Neuallerm鰄e, Neuengamme, Ochsenwerder, Reitbrook, Spadenland and Tatenberg belong to the "'Bergedorf "'borough.
  10. Billwerder is largely characterized by horticulture and agriculture, on the other hand, however, commercial environments, the Hamburg-Bergedorf railway line, the first railway line in Northern Germany, are also part of the quarter.
  11. "Bergedorf " consists of the quarters Allerm鰄e, Altengamme, Bergedorf the centre of the former independent town, Billwerder, Curslack, Kirchwerder, Lohbr黦ge, Moorfleet, Neuengamme, Neuallerm鰄e, Ochsenwerder, Reitbrook, Spadenland and Tatenberg.
  12. The southern part of the freight bypass railway had been planned since the 1920s branching at the existing junction north of Tiefstack and from 1993 branching at the Hamburg-Billwerder freight yard, which had been adapted for combined transport, to the Berlin line as a new line in a wide arc through the marshlands continuing to Harburg to the south to join the existing lines to Hanover and Bremen.


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