


  1. However, blondness still occurs regularly in the region today.
  2. Kudos to them if they physically embody blondness.
  3. Blondness _ or the lack of it _ becomes the touchstone for honesty or reality.
  4. William presents himself to the coyly named Alabaster family, whose blondness is their salient feature.
  5. Their complexion was said to be light, and blondness combined with light eyes to be their anthropologic characteristic.
  6. It's difficult to find blondness in a sentence. 用blondness造句挺难的
  7. She often wore white to emphasize her blondness, and drew attention by wearing revealing outfits that showed off her figure.
  8. Pureness of race tended to be related to rather superficial characteristics that were easily addressed and advertised, such as blondness.
  9. Let his Memphis church-bred soul that belies his blue-eyed blondness loosen the last of your teen pop prejudices.
  10. Their work is more art than science and in the quest for blondness, there are bound to be a few unfortunate casualties.
  11. In spite of his youth and blondness, he doesn't sparkle; he expresses a premature seriousness that suits the character.
  12. His blondness here is nothing short of a revelation, and he shows, perhaps for the first time, some real comic instinct.
  13. At 60, she resembles a starker version of her 1970s self, her sculpted hair almost white in its blondness, her skin whitely pale.
  14. Since Britney Spears arrived on the music scene three years ago, pop music has molded its teen queens according to three Bs _ blondness, beauty and bustiers.
  15. Even more than her Arctic blondness and improbably full figure, it was that quality that inspired Federico Fellini to weave his satirical look at Roman decadence around her persona.
  16. Ironically, as " Ally McBeal " has deteriorated into a pandering mess of titillation, schmaltz, and blondness, Calista Flockhart has improved her acting style enormously.
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


  1. "blondins"造句
  2. "blondish"造句
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  5. "blondly"造句
  6. "blondnesses"造句
  7. "blondon"造句
  8. "blonds"造句
  9. "blonduos"造句
  10. "blondy"造句

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