


  1. Beginners to breathhold diving are usually at relatively low risk as they do not usually hyperventilate sufficiently to endanger themselves.
  2. Examples include breathhold imaging of the abdomen, electrocardiogram-synchronized quasi-magnetic resonance angiography ( MRA ) of the vasculature.
  3. There is a variation of the static apnea discipline where its possible to pre-breathe 100 % oxygen for up to 30 minutes prior to the breathhold.
  4. The time that a freediver can spend underwater on a single excursion is severely restricted in comparison with scuba, and a considerably greater level of fitness is required for longer breathhold times.
  5. :As for answering the question . . . what you're asking about, in medical terms, is whether " breathhold duration " affects the absorption of THC or not.
  6. It's difficult to find breathhold in a sentence. 用breathhold造句挺难的
  7. My skimming of the literature seems to imply that volume of smoke matters ( which makes sense ), but breathhold duration does not . ( This page has a lot of references to studies on it, along with summaries of their conclusions . ) So, without wanting to give any kind of medical advice, I would tend to think that a marijuana smoker would be better off " not " holding their breath for a long time, as it does not seem to increase THC absorption, and does more lung harm that way .-- talk ) 15 : 37, 3 March 2010 ( UTC)


  1. "breathers"造句
  2. "breathes"造句
  3. "breathes in"造句
  4. "breathes out"造句
  5. "breathful"造句
  6. "breathhold diving"造句
  7. "breathholding"造句
  8. "breathier"造句
  9. "breathiess"造句
  10. "breathiest"造句

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