


  1. arrived at brindisi, saturday, october 5th, at 4 p . m
  2. from london to suez via mont cenis and brindisi, by rail and steamboats 7 days
  3. directly from brindisi; she takes on the indian mails there, and she left there saturday at five p . m . have patience, mr fix; she will not be late
  4. she may be faustina, wife of the emperor and stoic philosopher marcus aurelius, according to angela marinazzo, director of the provincial archaeological museum in brindisi
  5. i repeat that the mongolia has been in advance of the time required by the company s regulations, and gained the prize awarded for excess of speed . does she come directly from brindisi
  6. It's difficult to find brindisis in a sentence. 用brindisis造句挺难的
  7. in brindisi, italy, the un's supply and storage depot improves the storage and maintenance of reusable assets, saves money in procurement costs, and facilitates faster deployment of new operations
  8. the mongolia plied regularly between brindisi and bombay via the suez canal, and was one of the fastest steamers belonging to the company, always making more than ten knots an hour between brindisi and suez, and nine and a half between suez and bombay
  9. the mongolia plied regularly between brindisi and bombay via the suez canal, and was one of the fastest steamers belonging to the company, always making more than ten knots an hour between brindisi and suez, and nine and a half between suez and bombay
  10. as soon as the robbery was discovered, picked detectives hastened off to liverpool, glasgow, havre, suez, brindisi, new york, and other ports, inspired by the proffered reward of two thousand pounds, and five per cent on the sum that might be recovered
  11. the mongolia, thanks to the vigorous exertions of the engineer, seemed likely, so rapid was her speed, to reach her destination considerably within that time . the greater part of the passengers from brindisi were bound for india-some for bombay, others for calcutta by way of bombay, the nearest route thither, now that a railway crosses the indian peninsula


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  7. "brindle"造句
  8. "brindle cliffs"造句
  9. "brindled"造句
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