


  1. Mom , uh , belle here is a cabdriver . .
  2. Mom , uh , belle here is a cabdriver
  3. In my opinion , the majority of new york cabdrivers are unfriendly , if not downright rude
  4. The cabby read out of the paper he had got hold of that the former viceroy , earl cadogan , had presided at the cabdrivers association dinner in london somewhere
    马车夫看着手里的报纸,大声念了一段前任总督卡多根伯爵在伦敦某地主持马车夫协会晚餐会的消息260 。
  5. An honest man who worked hard and loved his children , he was never able to take control of his life and climb out of the hole of blue - collar jobs - truck driver , factory worker , cabdriver - that left him a beaten man
    他为人诚恳、工作勤奋、爱护儿女,却一直不能掌控自己的人生方向,不能摆脱蓝领工人的地位- -卡车司机、工厂工人或出租汽车司机- -以致抱撼终身。
  6. It's difficult to find cabdriver in a sentence. 用cabdriver造句挺难的


  1. "cabcharge"造句
  2. "cabcharge australia"造句
  3. "cabcharge australia ltd"造句
  4. "cabdalla"造句
  5. "cabdalle"造句
  6. "cabdrivers"造句
  7. "cabdriving"造句
  8. "cabe"造句
  9. "cabe rawit"造句
  10. "cabeca"造句

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