

  1. Caecilianus'party hastened matters, and the archdeacon was consecrated by Felix, Bishop of Aptunga.
  2. His death outside of Africa and rejection of his successor Caecilianus contributed to the Donatists schisms in Northern Africa.
  3. In 313 he appears at the court of Constantine the Great, mentioned by name in a constitution directed by the emperor to Caecilianus of Carthage in that year.
  4. There is greater certainty about the 4th-century bishops : Mensurius, bishop by 303, succeeded in 311 by Caecilianus, who was at the First Council of Nicaea and who was opposed by the Donatist bishop Majorinus ( 311 315 ).
  5. Sources record the presence of Mirocles to the Lateran council held in October 313 in Rome, under Pope Miltiades, which took a stand in the Donatism issue, condemning Donatus Magnus charged to re-baptizing clergy who had lapsed and which sided with Caecilianus bishop of Carthage.
  6. It's difficult to find caecilianus in a sentence. 用caecilianus造句挺难的
  7. The names of several " praefecti " ( regimental commanders ) are preserved, of which two have discernible origins : I . Rufus Papirianus Sentius Gemellus from " Berytos " ( Beirut, Lebanon ) and L . Caecilius Caecilianus from " Thaenae " ( Sfax, Tunisia ), both undatable.
  8. Caecilianus himself was charged with unnecessary and heartless severity to those who had visited the confessors in prison; he was denounced as a " tyrannus " and a " carnifex "-" butcher . " He declined to appear before an assembly so prejudiced; but professed his willingness to satisfy them on all personal matters, and offered, if right was on their side, to lay down his episcopal office, and submit to re-ordination.


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  6. "caecilianus of carthage"造句
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  8. "caecilii metelli"造句
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