


  1. Effect of the establishment of cafta on china - asean trade
  2. Strategy analysis on cafta monetary and financial cooperation
  3. The measures for guangxi disadvantages in cafta
  4. Discussion on the development tactics of foreign trade in guangxi under cafta frame
  5. On the improvement and development tendency of the dispute settlement mechanism of cafta
  6. It's difficult to find cafta in a sentence. 用cafta造句挺难的
  7. Theory of optimal monetary district and prospect of cafta monetary integration
  8. Generally speaking , there will be less and less difference in marketing since the start of cafta construction
  9. Another argument for dr - cafta is that it will help the central americans to get together themselves
    另一项支持dr - cafta的声音则说,该协定能够使中美洲国家凝聚起来。
  10. Cafta ) will lower trade barriers for american exports to 6 countries , unions express consent ( concern ) for american jobs and for central american labor protection
  11. Based on the fault tree analysis theory , the cafta is manufactured , and fault tree that is out of order in braking system is analyzed . the result is preferable
    基于故障树分析理论,研制了故障树分析系统( cafta ) ,对某型汽车制动系统的制动功能失常故障树进行了分析并取得了较好的效果。
  12. President bush also faces legislative opposition on cafta from some within his own party , mostly republicans from states with large textile mills and sugar plantations , threatened by foreign competition
  13. It will be the third largest fta in the world , after the eu and nafta . cafta , a regional organization consisting mainly of developing countries ( except singapore ) , will be the first regional economic organization that china joins formally
  14. In chapter one , the author retrospect and evaluates the related researches literatures , mainly on geopolitical relationship and geo - economic territory , border location , border cooperation and transnational growth triangle , construction of cafta
    第一章,是对相关研究成果的回顾与述评,主要对地缘关系与地缘经济地域、边境区位、边境合作与跨国增长三角、 cafta建设问题等相关研究,进行综述与简要评价。
  15. In the pedestal part , the author : 1 ) analyzed systematically the main context of global economic integration with increasingly important geo - economy , the intense economic and trade links between china - asean and construction of free trade area , developmental strategy of west development and 9 + 2 , 10 + 1 , so on ; 2 ) elucidates the theoretical and practical value ; 3 ) defines the methodology - comprehensive theory , mind and methods from human ( economic ) geography , regional economy , international trade and system science , emphasis on interaction between theoretical research and case study , data analysis and field investigation , and qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis when necessary
    引言部分,系统分析了以经济全球化趋势促使地缘经济地位上升、中国?东盟经贸联系日益紧密与cafta的建设、我国西部大开发及“ 9 + 2 ”与“ 10 + 1 ”等发展战略等主要背景;阐述了论文研究的理论意义与现实意义,论文的研究目标及其相应的研究内容;确定了论文的研究方法? ?综合运用人文(经济)地理学、区域经济学、国际贸易学、管理学与系统科学等学科的理论、思维方法与手段来实施论文的研究。
  16. Based on the considerations over the favorable international conditions , the constructed 12 national first ranks ports and 16 second ranks ports , favorable transports and economic links and complement resources and economy between the nations , in order to speed the transnational development of south ? west border areas of china , improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the transnational regional development , urge the process of cafta construction , the theory and tactics of transnational regional development of south west border areas of china is set as the research subject
    基于为了充分利用良好的国际环境,用好已有的12对国家一类口岸、 16对地方二类口岸,良好的交通运输对接基础与经贸联系基础,以及显著的资源与经济互补性等条件,加快中国西南边境跨国区域的合作开发与共同发展,提高跨国区域合作开发的科学性与实际效率,推动cafta建设的进程等目的,论文选定了以中国西南边境跨国区域合作开发的理论与策略问题为研究对象。


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