


  1. He wrote at least three other works : the " Vita della Beata Chiara Ubaldini ", ( " Life of the Blessed Chiara Ubaldini " ), the biography of a local abbess, " Relazione dell'origine e del progresso del Convento del Bosco " ( " Account of the Origins and Development of the Convent of Bosco " ) and " Relazione sui danni al Convento del Bosco ai Frati causati dal terremoto del 13 giugno 1542 " ( " Account of the Damage to the Convent of Bosco ai Frati caused by the earthquake of 13 June 1542 " ).
  2. It's difficult to find causati in a sentence. 用causati造句挺难的


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  2. "causapscal river"造句
  3. "causas"造句
  4. "causasian"造句
  5. "causata"造句
  6. "causation"造句
  7. "causation and correlation"造句
  8. "causation fallacy"造句
  9. "causation in economics"造句
  10. "causation in english law"造句

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