


  1. The right vagus divides into celiac and gastric branches .
  2. Effect of laminaria polysaccharide sulfate on the activation and cytotoxicity of mouse celiac m
  3. Celiac sprue has a prevalence of about 1 : 2000 caucasians , but is rarely seen in other races
    脂肪痢在白种人中的发病率为1 : 2000 ,但很少发生在别的种族。
  4. The small intestinal mucosa at high magnification shows marked chronic inflammation in celiac sprue
  5. Protective effect of ferulic acid on celiac visceral organs of hemorrhagic shock rabbits after reperfusion injury
  6. It's difficult to find celiac in a sentence. 用celiac造句挺难的
  7. Children with celiac disease are ulnerable to deelop an acute fulminant illness that is termed " celiac crisis "
  8. People who suffer from celiac disease have an intolerance to gluten and are unable to eat wheat , barley and rye products
  9. Study of the clinical application of neurolytic celiac plexus block to controlling intractable upper abdominal pain caused by cancer
  10. There is blunting and flattening of villi with celiac disease , and in severe cases a loss of villi with flattening of the mucosa as seen here
  11. At final follow - up , 1 case died because of lung metastasis , 1 case underwent amputation because of local recurrence and 1 celiac metastasis but still alive
  12. Her attorney , thomas pakenas , said his client has celiac disease , which causes gastrointestinal symptoms set off by eating gluten , a protein found in wheat
  13. Healthy maw is relatively fixed going up celiac , when the person stands , gastric nadir cannot exceed below hilum 2 horizontal strokes to point to ( point to ) of gastric small turn
    健康人的胃相对固定在上腹腔,当人站立时,胃的最低点不能超过脐下二横指(指胃小弯) 。
  14. Methods left ventriculogram , right ventriculogram , descending aortogram and selected celiac arteriogram were separately performed for both babies of the conjoined twin
  15. Her attorney , thomas pakenas , said his client has celiac disease , which causes gastrointestinal symptoms set off by eating gluten , a protein found in wheat
  16. Mothers who breast - feed their children may help to protect them from developing celiac disease , an intolerance to a protein found in wheat , rye and barley , scientists said on tuesday
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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