

  1. These wrappers include BLAST, Clustal, PhyML, EMBOSS and SAMtools.
  2. Alignments were created using Clustal X ( Higgins and Sharp 1989 ).
  3. Current version of Clustal family is ClustalW2.
  4. A common notation to denote the level of sequence conservation is used by the clustal alignment programs.
  5. They used the Clustal W program to align all of the 16S and 23S data that was collected.
  6. It's difficult to find clustal in a sentence. 用clustal造句挺难的
  7. They recommend Clustal Omega which performs based on seeded guide trees and HMM profile-profile techniques for protein alignments.
  8. "' Clustal "'is a series of widely used computer programs used in Bioinformatics for multiple sequence alignment.
  9. The papers describing the clustal software have been very highly cited, with two of them amongst the most cited papers of all time.
  10. Many variations of the Clustal progressive implementation are used for multiple sequence alignment, phylogenetic tree construction, and as input for protein structure prediction.
  11. It uses the output from Clustal as well as another local alignment program LALIGN, which finds multiple regions of local alignment between two sequences.
  12. Another common progressive alignment method called T-Coffee is slower than Clustal and its derivatives but generally produces more accurate alignments for distantly related sequence sets.
  13. Most phylograms are saved in some variant of the Newick format such as : PAUP *, MEGA, Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis, Clustal, PHYLIP, or Nexus file.
  14. The most popular progressive alignment method has been the Clustal family, especially the weighted variant ClustalW to which access is provided by a large number of web portals including GenomeNet, EBI, and EMBNet.
  15. Following Biology Workbench multialign CLUSTAL W analyses, certain regions of TMEM131L protein are highly conserved through Eukaryotes as distantly as single-celled protists ( 24 % identity with " Dictyostelium fasciculatum " ).
  16. The FASTA file format used as input for this software is now largely used by other sequence database search tools ( such as BLAST ) and sequence alignment programs ( Clustal, T-Coffee, etc . ).
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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