


  1. Analysis of electrical signal of three species in compositae
  2. Temperature stress on physiological indices of compositae weeds and their adaptive significance
  3. Treatment of reflux esophagitis by combination therapy of capsule catechu compositae and cisapride
  4. Professor hu is a great authority on ilex , hemerocaulis , paulonnia , compositae and orchidaceae
  5. The evolution sequence of 5 genera in trib . belianthanae cass and the upper limit of rapd marker in the compositae family were also discussed
  6. It's difficult to find compositae in a sentence. 用compositae造句挺难的
  7. There are more than 100 kinds of acaricidal plants such as meliaceae , compositae , thymelaeaceae , solanaceae , leguminosae , chenopodiaceae , labiatae , umbelliferae etc
  8. Major crops under cultivation comprise food crops including mainly of brassica , compositae and various aquatic vegetables , and ornamental crops such as gladiolus , lilium and chrysanthemum
  9. The results showed that 345 species , belonging to 179 genera , 77 families were distributed in this area , taking a ratio of 71 . 3 % , 45 . 1 % and 42 . 4 % in chinese oil plants respectively , 11 families including euphorbiaceae , lauraceae , ulmaceae , rutaceae , magnoliaceae , celastraceae , leguminosae , rosaceae , cruiferae , compositae and caprifoliaceae were dominant families that had 10 or more species . 66 species of important oil plants were briefly introduced
    结果表明,该区油脂植物共有77科179属345种,占全国油脂植物科属种的71 . 3 % 、 45 . 1 % 、 42 . 4 % ,含10种以上的科有大戟科、樟科、榆科、芸香科、木兰科、卫矛科、豆科、蔷薇科、十字花科、菊科和忍冬科等11个科,为该地区油脂植物的优势类群。
  10. The paper introduces the progress in protoplast research of compositae plants with emphasis on protoplast isolation and culture , factors affecting protoplast regeneration , variances of protoplast - regenerated plants , protoplast utilization , and points out currently - existing problems and future research priorties


  1. "composing type"造句
  2. "composing with computers"造句
  3. "composings"造句
  4. "composit"造句
  5. "composita"造句
  6. "compositae dermatitis"造句
  7. "compositaes"造句
  8. "composite"造句
  9. "composite account"造句
  10. "composite act"造句

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