


  1. And would you believe that a crawk is a theriomime who does his thing on the radio?
  2. The male's call is very similar to that of White's tree frog, a deep " crawk-crawk-crawk " repeated many times.
  3. The male's call is very similar to that of White's tree frog, a deep " crawk-crawk-crawk " repeated many times.
  4. The male's call is very similar to that of White's tree frog, a deep " crawk-crawk-crawk " repeated many times.
  5. A number of people terms come from professional or technical jargon, like that loudmouthed crawk ( from 1930s radio slang ) and timbromaniac, the original name for a stamp collector, which quickly got licked by philatelist.
  6. It's difficult to find crawk in a sentence. 用crawk造句挺难的
  7. 1 . ( italics ) Is the definition of the word " crawk " ( a ) the distaff or downward-turning crook in a guard's spear, signifying fealty to the king; ( b ) the fleshy red dewlap of a male turkey's nether lip; or ( c ) a sound-effects technician who specializes in imitating animals?


  1. "crawfurdsdyke"造句
  2. "crawhall"造句
  3. "crawick"造句
  4. "crawick multiverse"造句
  5. "crawinkel"造句
  6. "crawl"造句
  7. "crawl 1"造句
  8. "crawl away"造句
  9. "crawl back in"造句
  10. "crawl file"造句

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