


  1. In what ways are the duke and the dauphin different from tom
  2. The dauphin . he s sending us food and supplies and an army
  3. In what ways are the duke and the dauphin different from tom
  4. A message for the dauphin of france
  5. I have come to see the dauphin
  6. It's difficult to find dauphin in a sentence. 用dauphin造句挺难的
  7. But you re not the dauphin
  8. Make way for the dauphin
  9. " bilgewater , i am the late dauphin ! " you bet you , jim and me stared this time
  10. " sire , i am sorry to tell your majesty a cruel fact ; but the feeling in dauphin is quite the reverse of that in provence or languedoc
  11. " yes , my friend , it is too true - your eyes is lookin at this very moment on the pore disappeared dauphin , looy the seventeen , son of looy the sixteen and marry antonette .
    “是的,我的朋友,这可是千真万确你的眼睛现今这一刻看到的是可怜的失踪的路埃十七,路埃十六和曼雷安东纳特的儿子。 ”
  12. Marie antoinette is merely a pawn in an arranged marriage meant to solidify the harmony between two nations . her teenage husband , the dauphin louis jason schwartzman , is heir to the french throne
  13. She then replaced the bonnet , and saw with pleasure , in a little pocket - mirror , that her white complexion and brilliant eyes were alone visible . the cab crossed the pont - neuf and entered the rue de harlay by the place dauphin
  14. Having staggered as far as the rue dauphin , he perceived his carriage , awoke his sleeping coachman by opening the door himself , threw himself on the cushions , and pointed towards the faubourg saint - honor ; the carriage drove on
  15. " sire , " continued m . de blacas , " if it only be to reassure a faithful servant , will your majesty send into languedoc , provence , and dauphin , trusty men , who will bring you back a faithful report as to the feeling in these three provinces ?
    “陛下,就算只是为了让一个忠心的臣仆安心,陛下可否派可靠的人员去视察一下郎格多克,普罗旺斯和陀菲内,把这三省的民情带回来向您报告一下? ”


  1. "dauntsey railway station"造句
  2. "dauntsey vale"造句
  3. "dauntseys"造句
  4. "dauntseys school"造句
  5. "daunus"造句
  6. "dauphin 2"造句
  7. "dauphin borough"造句
  8. "dauphin clinic pharmacy cashspiel"造句
  9. "dauphin clinic pharmacy classic"造句
  10. "dauphin county"造句

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