


  1. PCs have this battery-powered dealie that keeps track of the time.
  2. There's a little registration dealie you'll need to fill out.
  3. Those are bug fixes, security patches and compatibility updates installed by the Critical Update Notification dealie.
  4. Switch to the User Profiles tab, then enable the little dealie that lets users customize their settings.
  5. Remember darning eggs, a wooden dealie you put in a sock and actually stitched up a hole?
  6. It's difficult to find dealie in a sentence. 用dealie造句挺难的
  7. Also, open up the printer dealie in the Control Panel and check your printer's properties.
  8. Sue : The tiny plug-and-play dealie has taken jabs for its price fluctuations, though.
  9. It probably wouldn't hurt to update the Java Virtual Machine, the Microsoft dealie that interprets Java programs.
  10. Dear Dr . Bombay : How can I dump the Log Off dealie that's on the Start menu ? _ Logjam
  11. When you turn the computer on, the dealie reports the time to the computer's BIOS ( Bill Is Our Sun-god ) chip.
  12. These responses were, according to Selman, written along the lines of " Dear Nerd, I didn t even know the internet was on computers these days, let alone some kind of electric mail dealie.
  13. :: : Also, since this seems to be a one person ( and three contest entry ) dealie, isn't it better handled at the Village Pump ?-- talk ) 05 : 15, 20 June 2008 ( UTC)
  14. What you want to do is pretend that you're standing sideways inside a big clock and then bring your right arm up to nine o'clock, then straight up to high noon, and then, just a " leeeeetle " tiny bit past 12, say three past the hour or one o'clock, you begin your cast or whatever they call it, making a small, tight loop in the air with the long string thing, and then the dealie goes into the water or slightly above, depending on whichever kind of insect you're pretending to be and its mating habits, and you absolutely do not break your wrist _ think of the rod as an extension of your arm.


  1. "dealey plaza historic district"造句
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  5. "dealga"造句
  6. "dealies"造句
  7. "dealign"造句
  8. "dealigned"造句
  9. "dealigning"造句
  10. "dealignment"造句

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