


  1. It was still there about four months ago, but seriously delapidated.
  2. Residents on Russian Island, off Vladivostok, boycotted to protest delapidated roads.
  3. The delapidated building next to the Garden, 150 Causeway Street, is being gutted.
  4. It features delapidated old cars rusting away in their probably final resting places _ fields and forests.
  5. But the pace of the influx, combined with the country's delapidated and winding mountain roads, has made it difficult for officials to keep up.
  6. It's difficult to find delapidated in a sentence. 用delapidated造句挺难的
  7. He said the Vashon found the overloaded, delapidated boat that evening in international waters about 40 miles north of Mona Island, which lies west of Puerto Rico.
  8. A heron landed on the delapidated pier just south of the garden, where people once again fish for bass and flounder and where children cannonball into the water in hot weather.
  9. He said the Vashon found the overloaded, delapidated boat that evening in international waters about 40 miles ( 64 kms ) north of Mona Island, which lies west of Puerto Rico.
  10. The city leaders are under pressure to upgrade the delapidated 90, 000-seat stadium, sections of which have been declared unsafe, to help Germany's 2006 World Cup bid.
  11. After pounding stakes Thursday to erect razor-wire fences, Marines patrolled the port barricades Friday, or sat in the shade of delapidated buildings against the rainy-season heat and sun.
  12. In the early'70s, it was a quaint, delapidated neighborhood that came alive only on weekends with pushcarts fulls of fruits and vegetables and cheese shoppes with pungent aromas and cats guarding the goods.
  13. Capt . Chris Carter, the commanding officer, informed his battalion commander that he would need to pull his line of troops back a few hundred meters ( yards ) to avoid the farmers'delapidated shanteys.
  14. Jonathan and many of his Lunchpail AC comrades will be on hand here the night of Sept . 26 when the Bruins bid adieu to the cozy and now delapidated bandbox they've called home for 66-plus years.
  15. With the Sept . 30 opening of the FleetCenter, the delapidated edifice in the middle of what was once the city's West End will succumb to the ravages of time and the force of the wrecking ball by the autumn of'96.
  16. You wish these things don't happen, but it's sport . " . . . Former Bruin Terry O'Reilly, who dabbles in real estate, purchased the delapidated Hotel Edwards at Salisbury Beach just before the new year.
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


  1. "delap"造句
  2. "delap island"造句
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  5. "delapav"造句
  6. "delapidation"造句
  7. "delapierre"造句
  8. "delaplace"造句
  9. "delaplaine"造句
  10. "delaplaine mcdaniel school"造句

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