


  1. It consists of four, eight or sixteen pages in double demai newsprint papers and was very cheap.
  2. He thereupon adjusted the matter, and the table returned to him ( " Yerushalmi Demai ", i . 22a ).
  3. Tractate Demai in the Mishnah, Tosefta, and Jerusalem Talmud, interpreted the laws related to produce where one is not sure if it has been properly tithed in accordance with
  4. He afterward began a critical edition of the Jerusalem Talmud, with a commentary, but only three treatises had appeared, Berakot and Peah ( Vienna, 1874 ) and Demai ( Breslau, 1875 ), when his death intervened.
  5. He was a pupil of R . Tarfon, and in one of the disputes over the "'Demai " tithes', he cites the ruling R . Tarfon had given him when an event occurred to him.
  6. It's difficult to find demai in a sentence. 用demai造句挺难的
  7. The additions to the first fruits could only be eaten in Levitical purity, and were exempt from the law of doubts as to tithing ( " demai " ), but the fruits used for ornamentations were subject to the law of doubts as to tithing.
  8. Kibbutz Hanita was established on the site of an ancient ruin by that same name ( Hanita; variant : Hanuta ), and is mentioned in rabbinic writings : Tosefta ( " Shevi'it " 4 : 9 ), the Jerusalem Talmud ( " Demai " 2 : 1 ) and in the 3rd century Mosaic of Rehob.
  9. "' Demai "'( Mishnaic Hebrew : ) is a Halakhic term referring to agricultural produce, the owner of which was not trusted with regard to the correct separation of the tithes assigned to the Levites, although the " terumah " ( the part designated unto priests ) was believed to have been separated from such fruits.
  10. By delineating the boundaries of the Land of Israel, it seeks to establish the legal status of the country in its various parts from the time of Israel's return from the Babylonian captivity, and whether or not local farm products acquired by Jews from other Jews, or from gentiles and Samaritans, are exempt or obligated in what concerns the laws of Seventh Year produce, and of " demai "-produce.
  11. Hoshaiah's authority must have been very powerful in his later years, when he successfully resisted the efforts of R . Gamaliel ha-Nasi, the son of Rebbi, to introduce " demai " ( the " suspicion, " on buying wheat from an " am ha-are? " ( common folk ), that he had not separated the tithes ) into Syria ( Yer . $ al . iv . 60a ) It is also indicated by his remarkable interposition in regard to the mishnah which declares that " a Gentile's testimony in the case of an agunah is allowed only if stated as a matter of fact and without any intention to testify " ( Yer.


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