

  1. I had a comparative dna analysis done last night
  2. Truth serum , dna matches
  3. Experiment iii dna analysis of porcine embryonic stem cells ( eg ) chimera
  4. Data in parenthesis are number of pups of which their genomic dna were analyzed
  5. Human remains found in a 1 , 400 - year - old chinese tomb belonged to a man of european origin , dna evidence shows
  6. dna分析造句挺难的,这是一个万能造句的方法
  7. Such uv images can be used for example in rapid prototyping , printed circuit board production and dna analysis
  8. Genotyping using comparative dna analysis to determine the predisposition of individuals to certain diseases was then performed
  9. The number of crimes solved through dna analysis has more than doubled in five years , it was revealed yesterday
  10. Chinese scientists who analyzed the dna of the remains say the man , named yu hong , belonged to one of the oldest genetic groups from western eurasia
  11. The storage and access of dna data have been paid more attention to increasingly along with the development and application of dna analysis technology
  12. Chinese scientists who analyzed the dna of the remains say the man , named yu hong , belonged to one of the oldest genetic group from western eurasia
  13. Arguably , these laws do not cover dna analysis methods introduced after their passage , and the defense may still challenge laboratory performance and the statistical interpretation of results
  14. " this could have delivered the coup de grace to the neanderthals in many parts of western and central europe in their economic and demographic competition with the incoming modern groups , " he added
  15. The tailed primer design protocol is feasible for y - str loci and can be used to develop more multiplex pcr assays of y - str loci . the results of validation prove that the y - a489 - plex multiplex pcr system can be accepted for the forensic dna typing
  16. Furthermore , the home product of taq dna polymerase had the same specificity and efficiency compared to the amplitaq gold ( pe , usa ) in this study . conclusion this is the first time that the tailed primer design protocol for multiplex pcr system is used for y - str loci
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


  1. "dna电泳"造句
  2. "dna断裂"造句
  3. "dna多聚酶"造句
  4. "dna多态性"造句
  5. "dna二级结构"造句
  6. "dna分型"造句
  7. "dna分子"造句
  8. "dna分子量的标准曲线"造句
  9. "dna分子杂交"造句
  10. "dna分子杂交技术"造句

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