


  1. Not a bad way to treat a couple of old dogfaces.
  2. Foot soldiers _ known as " dogfaces,"
  3. And be prepared to understand how dogfaces endured it.
  4. They are a couple of bearded dogfaces slouching under the weight of their packs.
  5. Correctly speaking, only Infantrymen are called dogfaces.
  6. It's difficult to find dogfaces in a sentence. 用dogfaces造句挺难的
  7. But who knows if his creation had any effect on the ruttings of Army dogfaces?
  8. An army marches on its stomach; an army of individual dogfaces march on their stomachs.
  9. Imagine " The Bridge on the River Kwai " without the sweaty dogfaces or the bridge.
  10. But Ambrose never denied idolizing the dogfaces of World War II or the leaders of the Lewis and Clark expedition.
  11. Japanese soldiers cursed the name " Babe Ruth " when confronting American dogfaces on Guadalcanal in World War II.
  12. All the hot young actors cast as the dogfaces probably will burst into tears when they see that they've been rendered as ciphers.
  13. Both male and female southern dogfaces may be seen feeding at flowers such as alfalfa, " Coreopsis " species, " puddling.
  14. Not so the saga of the unlettered dogfaces who are Willie and Joe _ stubble-bearded infantrymen, battle-weary and dirty, sustained only by their humor and a lively sense of irony.
  15. The most famous Dogface is probably Goofy . ( His son Max and his nephew Gilbert are of course also Dogfaces . ) Children have argued for decades whether Goofy is a man or a dog.
  16. But no Mauldin characters were more memorable than Willie and Joe, the unshaven, listless, cynical dogfaces who spent the war fighting the Germans, trying to keep dry and warm and flirting with insubordination.
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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