


  1. He sought the help of a band of adventurers known as the Silver Blades to help contain the Dreadlord.
  2. She perished in battle with a Dreadlord, though her body lived on as a vessel for the Oracle of Aal.
  3. Tomas, now fully embracing his Valheru heritage, battles his ancient kin, while his dragon mount fights the Dreadlord.
  4. The Dreadlord was certain that these adventurers were called upon to slay him and he began gathering armies of evil creatures to aid him.
  5. With his death, the escaped magical energy causes the rift to open briefly, releasing a Valheru, and a life-stealing Dreadlord.
  6. It's difficult to find dreadlord in a sentence. 用dreadlord造句挺难的
  7. Although Garithos knows Sylvanas might be one of the Scourge, she reassures him that she is free and offers an alliance, promising them control of Lordaeron once the last dreadlord is defeated.
  8. Arthas pursues the dreadlord, Mal'Ganis, who was the leader behind Kel'Thuzad, to the icy continent of Northrend, where he helps his old friend, Muradin Bronzebeard, in finding a powerful sword called Frostmourne.
  9. Kelewan was destroyed at the end of the Darkwar by Pug when he created a massive rift between Kelewan and its moon and sent a piece of that moon through to crash into the planet, preventing the Dreadlord from entering the first plane of reality.
  10. A few of the Dreadlord's followers were beyond the glacier's effects and began attempts to get through the ice, but failed . 15 years ago, they formed a group known as the Black Circle and succeeded in breaking the spell.
  11. Before they could succeed however, Grand Apothecary Putress and his Royal Apothecary Society followers ( renegade Forsaken ) unleashed a new plague that killed friend and foe alike, while his traitorous counterpart, the dreadlord Varimathras, seized the Undercity in a coup that nearly killed Sylvanas.


  1. "dreadlock"造句
  2. "dreadlock holiday"造句
  3. "dreadlocked"造句
  4. "dreadlocks"造句
  5. "dreadlocks use"造句
  6. "dreadlords"造句
  7. "dreadly"造句
  8. "dreadmill"造句
  9. "dreadmon"造句
  10. "dreadnaught"造句

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