


  1. The young Halide Edib later tells her grandmother about the encounter.
  2. In 1926, Halide Edib and many associates were accused of treason.
  3. Ahmad bin Mahmud Yukenaki ( Ahmed bin Mahmud Y黭neki ) ( Ahmet ibn Mahmut Y黭neki ) ( Yazan Edib Ahmed b.
  4. A Muslim officer, Edib Cokic, from a Tuzla police unit, said he hoped cooperation will continue also beyond the training field.
  5. Two inmates, Edib Buljubasic and Asim Kovac, telephoned their families Friday evening to tell them about the strike, the radio report said.
  6. It's difficult to find edib in a sentence. 用edib造句挺难的
  7. On 2 March 2012, the Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina filed an indictment against, commanders of the Croatian Defence Forces or guards at the camp, Ivan Zelenika, Sreko Herceg, Edib Buljubaai, Ivan Medi and Marina Grubiai-Fejzi on charges of crimes against humanity carried out towards Serbs.
  8. Further religious association to the site was reported by the Turkish traveler Mehmed Edib in the late 18th century, including that Ali Haydar's tomb was located there and was a pilgrimage site for Bedouin tribesmen and that it was the place where Job was covered with insects which were turned into stones.


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  6. "edibanx"造句
  7. "edibe sozen"造句
  8. "edibilities"造句
  9. "edibility"造句
  10. "edible"造句

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