


  1. He felt no qualms about using expletives in our interview .
  2. It is a "damned human race" in a not merely expletive sense .
  3. A word which has moved up in the world as an expletive while losing ground in serious use is "ruddy" .
  4. Beneath this scorn there is a gloom that twain cannot exercise. it is a "damned human race" in a not merely expletive sense .
  5. The expletives were deleted from the transcript
  6. It's difficult to find expletive in a sentence. 用expletive造句挺难的
  7. Expletive - laced language filled her head
  8. The semantic and pragmatic features of english expletives
  9. It is a " damned human race " in a not merely expletive sense
    那是“倒霉的人类” ,这样说并非只是感叹的意思。
  10. He uttered several vigorous expletives when he dropped the iron on his foot
  11. He uttered several vigorous expletives when he dropped the iron on his foot
  12. ` damn ! ' is an expletive
  13. A word which has moved up in the world as an expletive while losing ground in serious use is " ruddy "
    一个逐渐从严肃用语伦为诅咒语的词是“ ruddy ” 。
  14. Beneath this scorn there is a gloom that twain cannot exercise . it is a " damned human race " in a not merely expletive sense
    在这种藐视的下面,有一种吐温不能驱散的阴郁。那是“倒霉的人类” ,这样说并非只是感叹的意思。
  15. The character " xi " which is a common expletive in pre - qin poetry can often be found in the songs of chu , although it is neither a symbol nor a term in the chu area
    摘要“兮”字在先秦诗歌中是一个比较常见的语助词,在楚歌和《楚辞》中出现较多,但它本身并非楚地楚语的专用词,也不是楚歌、 《楚辞》的独特标志。
  16. After about ten minutes of this , flossie gave me a short but blistering scolding ( seasoned with her one pet expletive ) and went back upstairs to whatever it was she normally did around there
    大约10分钟后,弗洛西很严厉地把我批评了一顿(中间还时不时蹦出她咒骂时最爱说的一句口头语” ) ,就又上楼做自己的事了。
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


  1. "explanting"造句
  2. "explants"造句
  3. "explara"造句
  4. "explementary"造句
  5. "expletitive"造句
  6. "expletive attributive"造句
  7. "expletive deleted"造句
  8. "expletive pronoun"造句
  9. "expletive word"造句
  10. "expletives"造句

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