


  1. A factorized ip address
  2. Demonstrates the use of asynchronous delegates in a simple sample , which factorizes numbers
  3. The algorithm of this paper is applicable to two - dimension factorizing program , which includes one idb predicate
  4. Further research of factorization method has been done to make it possible to factorize the multi - variable goal function
  5. Ang , b . w . , zhang , f . q . , choi , k . h . , 1998 . factorizing changes in energy and environmental indicators through decomposition . energy 23 ( 6 ) , 489 - 495
  6. It's difficult to find factorize in a sentence. 用factorize造句挺难的
  7. It is studied factorizing a matrix over quaternion field to the product of two self - conjugate matrices . and some useful results are obtained
  8. Because the factorization attribute of logic program possess the property of uncertainty , exploring the fargoing factorizing algorithm need further study
  9. We have implemented a series of algorithm , which includes rule adornment , logic program adornment and factorization , magic transformation , factorizing magic transformation . the platform is characteristic of transplant , expansion
  10. ( 3 ) the left - linear and right - linear recursive transformation and traditional magic transformation are contrasted with the factorizing magic transformation . afterward , the cost of tuple id is analyzed in factorizing magic transformation . based on the analysis two further optimization methods were put forward
    ( 3 )把分解的魔集转换分别与左、右线性递归变换和传统的魔集转换做了分析对比,并对分解的魔集转换中引入的元组id号带来的开销做了分析。
  11. This paper discussed the application of theories about advanced algebra in the factorization of multinomial , introduced some application methods , acquired the methods of judging if a multiple quadratic multinomial can be factorized and how it is factorized , and thus solved the theoretical problem of the factorization of a multiple quadratic multinomial
  12. For a quantized subgroup of the symmetry group of hamiltonian of a molecule , a site projection operator is defined to produce symmetry - adapted wave functions from the functions with the symmetry of the subgroup . based on site projection operator , a systematic method is proposed to factorize the single - particle
  13. The central work of this paper is as follow : ( 1 ) a new factorizing optimization algorithm which reduce the arity of idb predicates by factorizing the logic program is presented magic transformation is applied to subprogram . moreover the decomposed subprogram can be implemented in parallel . therefore , it improves the efficiency of magic transformation
    本文的主要工作如下: ( 1 )提出一种新的分解优化算法,它通过对逻辑程序进行分解,减少idb谓词项的个数,再对分解后的各个子程序进行魔集转换,而且分解后的各个魔程序可并行执行,从而提高魔集转换的执行效率。
  14. Based on a body of 253 sentences featuring wei 维 , the paper factorizes its shape into hou 侯 , wei 唯 , sui 虽 and wei 维 , identifies its wide range of grammatical uses as verb , adverb , particle , copular , demonstrative pronoun , conjunction and preposition , pins down its role in compounding yielding compounds such as . wei qi 维 其 , wei yi 维 以 , weihe 维 何 , wei yi he 维 伊 何 , wei he qi 维 何 期 , and wei shi 维 是 , and furnishes annotations of each and every sentence with wei 维


  1. "factorization problem"造句
  2. "factorization system"造句
  3. "factorization technique"造句
  4. "factorization theorem"造句
  5. "factorizations"造句
  6. "factorized"造句
  7. "factorizes"造句
  8. "factorizing"造句
  9. "factors"造句
  10. "factors affecting"造句

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