


  1. EXCLUSIVO : DEBATE POLITICO . Latinoamerica : Los Fantasmas de la Democracia.
  2. No hay margen para ambigedades o fantasmas, advierte Cardoso.
  3. It plays the same role, Patrullas Fantasmas ( Ghost Patrol ).
  4. BOLIVIA : Los fantasmas de Banzer.
  5. In 2016 Rabb?became target of investigation in the " plazas fantasmas " scandal involving members of Congress.
  6. It's difficult to find fantasmas in a sentence. 用fantasmas造句挺难的
  7. That same year, they participated in the film Os Fantasmas Trapalh鮡s along with his godfather and entrepreneur Gugu Liberato.
  8. (" La Invencion de Morel " habla de una maquina capaz de crear seres virtuales, hologramas humanos, fantasmas vivos.
  9. Consciente de los fantasmas corporizados por la multimillonaria cifra de su inversion, Turner quiere evitar que las suspicacias lleguen a convertirse en sospechas.
  10. His filmography includes " As Aventuras de Sergio Mallandro ", " Os Fantasmas Trapalh鮡s e Urubus e Papagaios ".
  11. A Spanish-dubbed version was also shown in some South American countries and " Agentes Fantasmas " was shown in Portuguese-speaking Brazil.
  12. La pobreza y el desempleo aun rondan el pais como fantasmas del pasado, pero el nivel de vida de la mayoria de los vecinos de la ciudad ha subido.
  13. In 2007, he wrote and drew a story entitled " Dios Del Tiburon y Los Fantasmas Mecanicos " in the Mexican comic book " El Comiquero"
  14. In 1988 with " Galer韆s y fantasmas " ( Galleries and ghosts ), he won the "'Premio Internacional de Poes韆 de la Fundaci髇 Loewe " '.
  15. Pero uno de los pueblos fantasmas mas surrealistas de Mexico ha vuelto a la vida, un milagro digno de San Francisco de Asis, varias estrellas de Hollywood y los dioses del peyote.
  16. In 1994, she made her only film when she acted in " Amorosos Fantasmas, " which was named " Phantoms in Love " for its English-language VCR release.
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


  1. "fantasma escritor"造句
  2. "fantasmagoria"造句
  3. "fantasmagoriana"造句
  4. "fantasmagorical"造句
  5. "fantasmagorie"造句
  6. "fantasmata"造句
  7. "fantasmatic"造句
  8. "fantasmic"造句
  9. "fantasmo"造句
  10. "fantasms"造句

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