

  1. The sample was returned from Mare Fecunditatis.
  2. "' Messier "'is a relatively young lunar impact crater located on the Mare Fecunditatis.
  3. "' Wrottesley "'is a Petavius, and lies along the southeast edge of Mare Fecunditatis.
  4. "' Smithson "'is a small lunar impact crater located in the northeast part of Mare Fecunditatis.
  5. These are best observed under conditions of oblique lighting, when the terminator still lies on or near the Mare Fecunditatis.
  6. It's difficult to find fecunditatis in a sentence. 用fecunditatis造句挺难的
  7. Petavius B to the north-northwest of Petavius has a small ray system that lies across the surface of Mare Fecunditatis.
  8. Thus there were the seas of crises ( Mare Crisium ), serenity ( Mare Serenitatis ), and fertility ( Mare Fecunditatis ).
  9. Just to the northwest is Snellius A, a crater with a notable ray system that overlaps the southwest reaches of Mare Fecunditatis to the north.
  10. The lunar feature "'Sinus Successus "'( latin for " Bay of Success " ) lies along the eastern edge of Mare Fecunditatis.
  11. The Fecunditatis basin formed in the Pre-Nectarian Messier and Messier A . It was here that the first automated sample return took place via the Luna 16 probe, in September 1970.
  12. The interiors of Messier and Messier A have a higher albedo than the surrounding rays extend westwards from the rim of Messier A, continuing over 100 kilometers towards the west edge of Mare Fecunditatis.
  13. Six minutes later at 05 : 18 UT, the spacecraft safely soft-landed in its target area at 0?1'south latitude and 56?8'east longitude, in the northeast area of Mare Fecunditatis ( Sea of Fertility ) approximately 100 kilometers west of Langrenus crater.
  14. But after dark, when even the slightest sliver of his silver presence spreads luminescence and magic, I murmur the names of the features on his face _ Mare Crisium, Mare Serenitatis, Mare Tranquilitatis, Mare Fecunditatis _ like some Latin incantation to still the longing in my heart.
  15. "' Mare Nectaris "'( " Sea of Nectar " ) is a small lunar mare or sea ( a volcanic lava plain noticeably darker than the rest of the Moon's surface ) located south of Mare Tranquillitatis southwest of Mare Fecunditatis, on the near side of the moon.


  1. "fecundates"造句
  2. "fecundating"造句
  3. "fecundation"造句
  4. "fecundations"造句
  5. "fecundator"造句
  6. "fecundities"造句
  7. "fecundity"造句
  8. "fecundity of imagination"造句
  9. "fecundity schedule"造句
  10. "fecundity selection"造句

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