


  1. So here the great man stood, fermenting malice and poems,
  2. That gap was critical in fermenting the experience of the play.
  3. Some add water to the fermenting must to dilute the sugars.
  4. It's a brawl that has been fermenting for years.
  5. Farewell to the old oak barrels that tainted the fermenting product.
  6. It's difficult to find fermentings in a sentence. 用fermentings造句挺难的
  7. CCVs can handle both fermenting and conditioning in the same tank.
  8. This scent is created by fermenting the wheat bran of yeast.
  9. His aging reminds us that we are too rapidly fermenting.
  10. Under the veneer of normalcy, Barton's troubles were fermenting.
  11. All our tanks are full with fermenting wine, and nothing broke,
  12. Fermenting the juice was a way to make it last.
  13. Fermenting, however, will not produce enough glue for commercial use.
  14. Morande reached adulthood soaked in the smells and tastes of fermenting grapes.
  15. In all probability reflecting the pressures of bulging fermenting tanks back home.
  16. Do not use aluminum or plastic containers when fermenting cucumbers.
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


  1. "fermenting tank"造句
  2. "fermenting vat"造句
  3. "fermenting vessel"造句
  4. "fermenting wine"造句
  5. "fermenting wort"造句
  6. "fermention"造句
  7. "fermentive"造句
  8. "fermento"造句
  9. "fermentor"造句
  10. "fermentors"造句

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