


  1. According to Herbert Fingarette's concept of " the ritual and sacrifice.
  2. Fingarette's work deals with issues in philosophy of mind, psychology, ethics, law, and Chinese philosophy.
  3. Fingarette has also influentially applied his work in moral psychology to pressing social and legal issues, particularly those surrounding addiction.
  4. Such paradoxes may be resolved, Fingarette claims, by re-framing self-deception as a problem of volition and action.
  5. "' Herbert Fingarette "'is an American philosopher and emeritus professor of philosophy at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
  6. It's difficult to find fingarette in a sentence. 用fingarette造句挺难的
  7. In his 1988 book " Heavy Drinking ", Fingarette gainsays the disease theory of alcoholism popularized by groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous.
  8. Fingarette argues that traditional accounts of self-deception fall invariably into paradox because these accounts see self-deception in terms of perception or knowledge.
  9. Fingarette's arguments were famously employed by the U . S . Supreme Court in a 1988 decision to deny VA educational benefits to two alcoholic American veterans.
  10. Fingarette's 1972 monograph " Confucius : The Secular As Sacred " was described in a peer-reviewed academic journal as " one of the most significant philosophical books on the subject to be published in a long time . ".
  11. In his 1969 monograph " Self-Deception ", Fingarette presents an account of the titular concept influenced by the work of Jean-Paul Sartre, S鰎en Kierkegaard and Sigmund Freud, as well as contemporary work in physiology and analytic philosophy.


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