


  1. ;Nandu Forcat : A former soldier in the Spanish Civil War.
  2. The Military of Albania ( " Forcat e Armatosura t?Shqip雛is?" ) were first formed after the country declared its independence in 1912.
  3. Edhe telegramit t?d雛guar nga Komiteti, ku njoftohej se po t?mos largoheshin br雗da 24 or雟e forcat shqiptare do t?fillonin veprimet luftarake kundra forcave italiane, kryekomandanti italian nuk iu p雛gjigj.
  4. Nga ana e historian雟e, p雛gjat?diktatur雜, emri i Qazim Koculit kurr?nuk u lidh me meritat e tij si komandant q?i theu forcat italiane edhe i hodhi n?det por vet雖 u quajt an雝ar i qeveris?kuizlinge t?Mustafa Kruj雜.
  5. After a good fish dinner at El Forcat, concluded with snifters of a local specialty, Licor Naranja _ what else but an orange brandy ? _ we stroll back to the Melia Valencia Palace Hotel, passing the medieval gate called Serranos.
  6. It's difficult to find forcat in a sentence. 用forcat造句挺难的
  7. After the founding of the People's Republic of Albania on 11 January 1946, he joined the Armed Forces ( Alb : " Forcat e Armatosura t?Shqip雛is?" ) and increased his influence over time as commander of a brigade and then as division commander.
  8. A complete list of the houses that had possessed the mysterious cane would include many : " Llibrada de Benasque, Joaniquet de Forcat, Teixidor d'Aulet, Xollat de Perves, Jaume de Cabdella, Tor d'Al髎, Badinet d'Isil, Sidro d'Estaon and Feu de La Gu鄏dia d'Ares ".
  9. Also accused were other high-ranking military figures : Minister of Defence General Beqir Balluku; the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces ( Alb : " Forcat e Armatosura t?Shqip雛is?" ) General Petrit Dume; the head of the General Political Bureau of the Armed Forces, General Hito 莂ko; Deputy Prime Minister Abdyl K雔lezi; Lipe Nashi; and others.
  10. Durante el 2008, 2009, 2010 y 2011 han realizado m醩 de ochenta actuaciones, entre las que destacan la actuaci髇 en el escenario principal del Mercat de M鷖ica Viva de Vic delante de 15.000 personas, o la inauguraci髇 del Castell de Montju颿 delante de 10.000 personas, el Vi馻 Paiporta delante de 8.000 personas o el Petr髄eo Rock delante de 5.000 personas, las Fiestas del Pilar de Zaragoza delante de 10.000 personas, el Festival Flamenc de Barcelona, o agotar todas las entradas en la sala " Luz de Gas " con un aforo de 1.000 personas y en las tres ediciones de la Diada Rumbera de FORCAT . Seg鷑 Xavi Pacual ( http : / / promoartsmusic . com / ), manager de Los Manolos, este a駉 2012 " ser?un a駉 muy rumbero ".


  1. "forcast"造句
  2. "forcaster"造句
  3. "forcasters"造句
  4. "forcasting"造句
  5. "forcasts"造句
  6. "forcause"造句
  7. "force"造句
  8. "force 1"造句
  9. "force 1 v10"造句
  10. "force 10"造句

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