


  1. But some of the ghastliest events in the collapse of Yugoslavia were yet to happen.
  2. The blown snaps were only part of the five turnovers that created the Seahawks'ghastliest loss of the season.
  3. This segment is surely among the ghastliest in television history, mostly because Hughes disembowels Koons without the self-centered hack realizing what's happening.
  4. Another is that the march of technology is making it easier all the time for such groups to plan atrocities but also to use the ghastliest weapons.
  5. It is not often that Orange County is commended for its collective wisdom, having once filed for bankruptcy while also having provided the resources for the ghastliest suburban sprawl in American civilization.
  6. It's difficult to find ghastliest in a sentence. 用ghastliest造句挺难的
  7. And he seemingly reaffirmed that strategy in a speech at West Point, arguing that American foreign policy is now based on a doctrine of pre-emptive intervention against its ghastliest enemies.
  8. Half a century after the battle of Iwo Jima, one of the ghastliest in World War II, American and Japanese veterans returned Tuesday to commemorate the struggle for an island that had once seemed so important that it had absorbed tens of thousands of lives.
  9. Richard Preston's best seller, " Outbreak " also overwhelmed another, less virulent movie project ( " Crisis in the Hot Zone " ) in its rush to bring one of today's ghastliest medical nightmares to the big screen.
  10. While the new sado-masochistic gross-out flick " Saw " often resembles the ghastliest editions yet of " Fear Factor " and " Survivor " and features some of the grodiest direction this side of " Project Greenlight, " it does manage at times to knead your tummy like dough, using real suspense for a rolling pin.
  11. By contrast, " Power & Motoryacht " magazine columnist Diane Byrne opined that " overall she does not float my boat ( sorry, kids, couldn t resist ), but I do quite like the inverted bow design ", The " Wall Street Journal "'s Robert Frank was initially also an outspoken critic, calling " A " " one of the ghastliest megayachts ever created " and " more like a cruiser for Darth Vader's navy than a family pleasure boat for the Mediterranean " when she was launched.


  1. "ghassulian"造句
  2. "ghassulian culture"造句
  3. "ghast"造句
  4. "ghastfulness"造句
  5. "ghastlier"造句
  6. "ghastliness"造句
  7. "ghastlinesses"造句
  8. "ghastly"造句
  9. "ghastly bespoke"造句
  10. "ghastly funeral theatre"造句

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