


  1. “ this is the first time we have an intermediate between erectus and habilis, ” lordkipanidze observes
  2. rather the delicacy of the brow, the projection of the face and the curvature of the rear of the skull evoke h . habilis, the presumed forebear of h . erectus
  3. human ancestors go back as far as 6 million years, fossilsshow . the genus homo arose at least 1.8 million years ago, scientistsbelieve, when australopithecines likely evolved intohumanancestors known as homo habilis, which had larger brains butnevergrew larger than a 12-year-old child of today
  4. although the fossils have been provisionally categorized by the team as h . erectus based on the presence of certain defining characteristics, he thinks the population represented by the dmanisi hominids may have been more specifically the rootstock of the species, a missing link between erectus and habilis
  5. It's difficult to find habilis in a sentence. 用habilis造句挺难的


  1. "habile"造句
  2. "habili"造句
  3. "habiliment"造句
  4. "habiliments"造句
  5. "habiline"造句
  6. "habilitate"造句
  7. "habilitated"造句
  8. "habilitates"造句
  9. "habilitating"造句
  10. "habilitation"造句

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