


  1. Feel fortunate you weren't a part of such hackdom.
  2. OK, so we should be used to Hollywood hackdom by now.
  3. Stiller says : " A lot of us got disillusioned with hackdom.
  4. And yet, if tribal and family ties always trump merit, we get hackdom through and through-what Romney, in his inaugural address, called government " ripe with patronage ."
  5. In these scenes, set in Hollywood-- where Parker, like many of her smart-set friends, descended into screenwriting hackdom in the'30s and'40s-- Parker is clearly a lost soul.
  6. It's difficult to find hackdom in a sentence. 用hackdom造句挺难的
  7. "Winchell " ( 8 p . m . EST Saturday on HBO ), a dramatization of his life, is so much like the man it even has his fatal flaws : a self-importance and an inability to see the absurdity and irony of his descent into hackdom and being a finger-pointing stooge for Sen . Joseph McCarthy.
  8. Returning my call from a taxicab-- " I'm just finishing off a piece right here, " he jokes-- Brooks is a tad sensitive about his Stakhanovite literary output . " I'm slightly embarrassed, " he admits . " It suggests a high level of hackdom . " So what is he taking ? " Nothing chemical, it's mostly psychological, " he explains . " I would explain my high productivity by my desperate loneliness and my pathetic sadness that causes me work to extreme lengths to fill the hollow void that is my life ."


  1. "hackbusch"造句
  2. "hackbut"造句
  3. "hackbuts"造句
  4. "hackcanada"造句
  5. "hackday"造句
  6. "hacke"造句
  7. "hackebeil"造句
  8. "hacked"造句
  9. "hacked away"造句
  10. "hacked by chinese"造句

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