


  1. But because of its extreme arid torrid climate , hypsography low - lying , gale and frequent wind and other unique physica1 geography characteristics , its nature ecological environment are extremely bad and frail
  2. According to the hypsography of the hill , build on 20 mu hillocks in the south of the prairie , invested 5 , 000 , 000 dollars , planted with more than 500 famous expensive chinese herbals in the dividing area
    在大草原景点南侧20亩山丘上,投资500万元,依地势起伏变化按八卦布局,分区建成一座种植500余种名贵中药材的“百草园” ,以传承祖国的中医药文化,增长游客的相关知识,丰富和拓展文化园的养生文化内容。
  3. Hongyan mountain , the highest peak in the middle part of taihang mountain , is located at zuoquan county , the southeast part of shanxi province . it ' s altitude is 2089m : its hypsography slopes from northwest to southeast , the former being lower than the later
    太行山中段主峰红岩岭位于山西省晋中地区东南部,左权县境内,海拔2089m ,地势由西北斜向东南,东南部山岭高耸,西北部较为平坦,大部地区海拔在1200m以上。
  4. It's difficult to find hypsography in a sentence. 用hypsography造句挺难的


  1. "hypsogastropoda"造句
  2. "hypsognathus"造句
  3. "hypsographic"造句
  4. "hypsographic curve"造句
  5. "hypsographies"造句
  6. "hypsolebias"造句
  7. "hypsomata"造句
  8. "hypsometer"造句
  9. "hypsometers"造句
  10. "hypsometric"造句

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