

  1. Nobunaga captured Inabayama Castle and sent Tatsuoki into exile.
  2. Thus, Hanbei obtained Inabayama Castle with relative ease.
  3. Its ruins are located in the present-day city of Inabayama Castle.
  4. Nobunaga's forces then entered the town of Inoguchi, which lay below Inabayama Castle.
  5. After the end credits, Samanosuke is seen alive, viewing Inabayama Castle from afar before he departs to parts unknown.
  6. It's difficult to find inabayama in a sentence. 用inabayama造句挺难的
  7. By the end of 27 September 1567 Inabayama Castle had fallen and the remaining lords of Mino province formally surrendered to Nobunaga.
  8. Joined by Kaede, Samanosuke arrives too late to Inabayama Castle as Yuki is abducted as he and Kaede split up to cover ground.
  9. Nobunaga's young retainer Kinoshita TMkichirM ( later known as Toyotomi Hideyoshi ) played an important role in attaining the victory at Inabayama.
  10. One of its first residents was SaitM DMsan, who lived in the castle when it was still called " Inabayama Castle ".
  11. He fought at the Siege of Inabayama Castle ( 1567 ), the Battle of Anegawa ( 1570 ) and in the battles for the Ishiyama Honganji.
  12. Yoshitaka succeeded to the family headship in 1567, the same year that he participated in the Siege of Inabayama Castle, when Oda Nobunaga defeated the SaitM clan of Mino Province.
  13. Nobunaga's easy victory at Inabayama Castle in 1567 was largely due to Hideyoshi's efforts, and despite his peasant origins, Hideyoshi became one of Nobunaga's most distinguished generals, eventually taking the name "'Hashiba Hideyoshi "'( ?鬵 纘 T ).


  1. "inaba yoshimichi"造句
  2. "inabaknon"造句
  3. "inabanga"造句
  4. "inabata"造句
  5. "inabata katsutaro"造句
  6. "inabayama castle"造句
  7. "inabe"造句
  8. "inabilities"造句
  9. "inability"造句
  10. "inability to"造句

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