


  1. In the past jawboning had some effect
  2. In the past jawboning had some effect
    在过去, “强烈呼吁”起到了部分作用。
  3. The outer point on either side of the lower jaw at which the jawbone angles upward
  4. Finding a fresh jawbone of a donkey , he grabbed it and struck down a thousand men
  5. When he finished speaking , he threw away the jawbone ; and the place was called ramath lehi
  6. It's difficult to find jawboning in a sentence. 用jawboning造句挺难的
  7. He found a fresh jawbone of a donkey , so he reached out and took it and killed a thousand men with it
    士15 : 15他见一块未乾的驴腮骨、就伸手拾起来用以击杀一千人。
  8. The oldest fossils , a jawbone teeth and a toe bone found in ethiopia , date to 5 . 3 million years
    最旧的化石jawbone牙和脚趾骨头发现了在埃塞俄比亚,日期对5 . 3百万年。
  9. And he found a new jawbone of an ass , and put forth his hand , and took it , and slew a thousand men therewith
  10. When he had finished speaking , he threw the jawbone from his hand ; and he named that place ramath - lehi
    士15 : 17说完这话、就把那腮骨从手里抛出去了那地便叫拉末利希。
  11. Tooth spacing occurs if there is excessive space in the jawbone . treatment varies from case to case
  12. And it came to pass , when he had made an end of speaking , that he cast away the jawbone out of his hand , and called that place ramathlehi
  13. Due to the fact that dental implants are embedded to the jawbone , the fitting is consequently very stable , particularly noticeable during eating and speaking
  14. Tooth crowding occurs if there is inadequate room for all permanent teeth to erupt or when the permanent premolars erupt and the growth of the jawbone stablizes
  15. A groan from barrois , accompanied by a yawn which seemed to crack the very jawbones , attracted the attention of m . d avrigny ; he left m . noirtier , and returned to the sick man
  16. Muzzle - - the muzzle , proportionately developed in length , width and depth , has a shape influenced first through the formation of both jawbones , second through the placement of the teeth , and third through the texture of the lips
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


  1. "jawbone canyon"造句
  2. "jawbone up"造句
  3. "jawboned"造句
  4. "jawboner"造句
  5. "jawbones"造句
  6. "jawbonings"造句
  7. "jawbox"造句
  8. "jawbreaker"造句
  9. "jawbreakers"造句
  10. "jawbreaking"造句

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