


  1. Shinto gods , or kami , are worshipped at shrines
  2. It ' s made by yamato no kami yasusada
  3. All natural objects and phenomena used to be considered as having kami
  4. Kami - fusen are traditional japanese paper balloons made of waxed rice - paper . they resemble beach balls and are usually red , green and white in color
  5. It comes from an episode in " the judge ooka tales " of a tokugawa official named ooka echizen - no - kami . it is said that by making a wish while tying a rope around a jizo statue , your wish will come true
  6. It's difficult to find kami in a sentence. 用kami造句挺难的
  7. Its leader , kondo isami , was born in the 5th year of tempo ( 1834 ) as the third son of miyakawa kyujiro and his wife miyo , whose husband was a gentleman farmer in kami - ishihara - mura , tama - gori , musashi - no - kuni , now a southwestern part of tokyo
    天保5年( 1834 ) ,在武藏国多摩郡上石原村,父亲宫川久次郎、母亲miyo生下了第三个儿子- -近藤勇。
  8. A plastic bag containing ashes and shards of bone was delivered to tv tokyo along with a note protesting tv tokyo ' s decision to extend live coverage of the world table - tennis championships . the viewer wrote that he had set his video to record the popular " inu kami " cartoon
    据路透社5月12日报道,东京电视台收到的这只塑料袋里装有人体骨灰和人骨碎片,塑料袋上还贴有一张标签反对电视台决定转播世界乒乓球锦标赛而将原定播出的动画片inu kami改期。
  9. This paper applies kami ' s method to analyze conservative scheme in lagrangian coordinate , and then selects one of upwind schemes which do not show oscillations , finally applies it to construct high resolution scheme . numerical flux of one order scheme is used near interface , while numerical flux of high resolution scheme is adopted in other area


  1. "kamhaeng"造句
  2. "kamhawi"造句
  3. "kamhi"造句
  4. "kamhlaba"造句
  5. "kamho station"造句
  6. "kami asgar"造句
  7. "kami band"造句
  8. "kami craig"造句
  9. "kami district"造句
  10. "kami garcia"造句

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