


  1. In April 1938, the network picked up " Kollege of Musical Knowledge ".
  2. In Sudan, the German word " Kollege " ( colleague ) acquired a very unusual importance.
  3. Centuries passed with no word of his whereabouts, though at some point he established a Kollege of Khaos on the comet Tiamat.
  4. Music was the basis for several quiz shows, such as " Kay Kyser's Kollege of Musical Knowledge ".
  5. And the Klown Kollege that is our Krazy Kongress kannot say " no " when the simple negative is what is required.
  6. It's difficult to find kollege in a sentence. 用kollege造句挺难的
  7. The Klown Kollege of Kongress that is the House of Representatives is even less essential to the country's progress than we had suspected.
  8. Following this, he returned to his Kollege with Ro-Jaws, who understood the twisting tides of Khaos even better than he did.
  9. In 1943, Carroll joined Kay Kyser's band, known as the " Kollege of Musical Knowledge ", as a featured vocalist.
  10. "We don't have $ 275, " said Rosa Estreda, teacher at Kids Kollege Day Care Center in San Francisco.
  11. Gerdes, fresh from a conducting assignment, addressed Karajan as one conductor to another with a " Herr Kollege " ( my dear colleague ).
  12. Philipp is quiet for a long time, thus prompting the head-teacher to say'Kollege Klahrmann !'to which Klahrmann simply replies'Ja '.
  13. Her husband decided to retire at age 44 when his " Kollege of Musical Knowledge " program went off the air; Georgia was 15 years his junior.
  14. They voted 9-1 against you, and by almost that margin, they think your side done them dirty in Florida, that Klown Kollege of Electoral Skullduggery.
  15. Wasserman helped create MCA's radio show, " Kay Kyser and His Kollege of Musical Knowledge ", which debuted on NBC Radio that same year.
  16. During this time the colloquial name for the university, Tukkies or Tuks, was derived from the Afrikaans acronym for the college  Transvaalse Universiteits-Kollege ( TUK ).
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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  3. "kolleg"造句
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  5. "kollegal"造句
  6. "kollege of musical knowledge"造句
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  8. "kollegium kalksburg"造句
  9. "kollegstufe"造句
  10. "kollek"造句

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