

  1. The size of the Laimes reflected the wealth of the farm.
  2. The Laimes were distinctive for a number of reasons.
  3. The Laimes were considered as secure.
  4. The original settlers of Rozumice were thought to come from Franconia but Laimes as a building form were unknown there.
  5. Origin of name is thought to be from Lehm ( clay ), but with the local dialect corrupted to Laimes.
  6. It's difficult to find laimes in a sentence. 用laimes造句挺难的
  7. Originally all farmhouses and even some small-holdings in the village would have had its own Laimes but, by the end of World War I in Rozumice there were only 22 remaining and today there is only one standing example .,
  8. Westphalia is known to previously have had Laimes, no examples are thought to survive, they were of a very similar construction, except they were formed with squared oak beam framing with wattle and daub to both inside and outside, wood shingle roofed and were four to nine metres in width and length and four to six metres high.
  9. The only listed Deleted Contribution of yours to a File is to [ / / en . wikipedia . org / w / index . php ? title = Special : Log & type = delete & page = File % 3ALaimes + to + Farm + Haines . jpg File : Laimes to Farm Haines . jpg ], which was deleted in 2010 ( and by a human editor, not by a Bot ).


  1. "laimdota"造句
  2. "laimdota straujuma"造句
  3. "laime"造句
  4. "laimer platz"造句
  5. "laimerstadt"造句
  6. "laimi"造句
  7. "laiminga"造句
  8. "laimnau"造句
  9. "laimo"造句
  10. "laimon"造句

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