


  1. Robert Laws opened a mission station in Livingstonia near Rumphi in 1894.
  2. Livingstonia became the most important mission in the region, until the first World War.
  3. Educated by Church of Scotland missionaries, Kadalie completed teacher training in 1913 graduating from Livingstonia.
  4. In 1875, Stewart founded Livingstonia in honor of the well-known Scottish doctor, David Livingstone.
  5. He first arrived in Malawi as a missionary in 1970 and worked in Livingstonia and Blantyre until 1983.
  6. It's difficult to find livingstonia in a sentence. 用livingstonia造句挺难的
  7. From January 2011 to January 2012 he was vice-chancellor of the University of Livingstonia in Malawi.
  8. The Livingstonia Synod is located in Northern Malawi, and claims about 25 % of the population of that region.
  9. But should he return, he would find an area steeped in Livingstonia, still shaped by the family's influence.
  10. He wanted Livingstonia to be on the shores of Lake Malawi, and received financial backing from a group of Glasgow businessmen.
  11. Bowring wrote " Livingstonia appeals to me enormously as a training centre because of its comparative isolation and at the same time easy accessibility.
  12. He established in Livingstonia the best school in his time for the whole region, and Livingstonia graduates became influential in several neighbouring countries, including the southernmost, South Africa.
  13. He established in Livingstonia the best school in his time for the whole region, and Livingstonia graduates became influential in several neighbouring countries, including the southernmost, South Africa.
  14. Ekwendeni Hospital is operated by the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian-Livingstonia Synod, in partnership with PC ( USA ), the Church of Scotland and the Presbyterian Church of Ireland.
  15. In 1911 the Livingstonia and Blantyre Synods agreed to join together to form the CCAP although, because of World War I, this union did not take place until 17 September 1924.
  16. Around 1915 16 Banda left home on foot with Hanock Msokera Phiri, an uncle who had been a teacher at the nearby Livingstonia mission school, for Hartley, Southern Rhodesia ( now Chegutu, Zimbabwe ).
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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