

  1. The Mus閑 d'Horlogerie du Locle is smaller but located nearby.
  2. The watchmaking industry transformed Le Locle into an industrial city.
  3. The municipality is located in the Le Locle district.
  4. This changed in 1848, when the peaceful Neuch鈚el Revolution started in Le Locle.
  5. The municipality is located in the Le Locle district, near the French border.
  6. It's difficult to find locle in a sentence. 用locle造句挺难的
  7. The municipality is located in the Le Locle district, at an elevation of.
  8. While travelling to Le Locle in Switzerland he had to change trains at Cologne.
  9. They are in Biel / Bienne, Saint-Imier / BE and Le Locle.
  10. The new republic and canton established the Le Locle Prefecture, which existed until 1935.
  11. Le Locle was repeatedly burned by large fires ( 1683, 1765, 1833 ).
  12. It comprises three production sites : Le Brassus, Le Locle and Meyrin in Switzerland.
  13. When they returned to Le Locle, they brought skilled watchmakers along with a republican attitude.
  14. The company has three production sites in Le Brassus, Le Locle and Meyrin in Switzerland.
  15. In 1876, a financial dispute arose with Verdi, and Du Locle moved to Capri.
  16. The subsequent government repression drove many residents of Le Locle into exile in the spring of 1793.
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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