

  1. The United States have the most UN / LOCODE of all countries.
  2. The city's UN / LOCODE is ARRCU.
  3. Every recognised national and international airport or maritime port will have a UN / LOCODE coding.
  4. The first issue of UN / LOCODE in 1981 provided codes to represent the names of some 8000 locations in the world.
  5. Today, UN / LOCODE, which is updated twice annually, contains almost 100 000 entries with strong demand for further updates and extension.
  6. It's difficult to find locode in a sentence. 用locode造句挺难的
  7. To determine if a location qualifies for these four rules, please refer to'United Nations Code for Trade and Transport Locations ( UN / LOCODE ) '.
  8. "Recommendation 16 : UN / LOCODE Code for Trade and Transport Locations " provides an alphabetic code for seaports, airports, inland freight terminals and other customs clearance sites.
  9. USNYC for UN / LOCODE : USNYC . The value is currently not displayed, as agreed by Template _ talk : Infobox _ Settlement # UN . 2FLOCODE . talk ) 15 : 05, 2 May 2008 ( UTC)
  10. In 2006 nearly all permutations of three letter combinations were exhausted and so the US are the first country to have numbers between 2 and 9 in the UN / LOCODE . As of 2008 they only appear in the last position.
  11. Outside the zone of interest, Brazil maintains a permanent staffed research facility, the Comandante Ferraz Brazilian Antarctic Base ( UN / LOCODE : AQ-CFZ ), located in King George Island, near the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula, at.
  12. In 2006, the Secretariat added 646 entries to the 2006-2 issue of UN / LOCODE, in which the third position of 3-character codes is a digit from 2 to 9 . The 2007 issue of UN / LOCODE contains 689 such US entries.
  13. In 2006, the Secretariat added 646 entries to the 2006-2 issue of UN / LOCODE, in which the third position of 3-character codes is a digit from 2 to 9 . The 2007 issue of UN / LOCODE contains 689 such US entries.
  14. There are redirects from UN / LOCODEs in the form " UN / LOCODE : ABCDE " ( see : Category : Redirects from UN / LOCODE ), if such a redirect goes to a page that has a Template : Infobox Settlement a new variable un _ locode should be added after the variable area _ code and the value should be the 5 chars, e . g.
  15. There are redirects from UN / LOCODEs in the form " UN / LOCODE : ABCDE " ( see : Category : Redirects from UN / LOCODE ), if such a redirect goes to a page that has a Template : Infobox Settlement a new variable un _ locode should be added after the variable area _ code and the value should be the 5 chars, e . g.
  16. There are redirects from UN / LOCODEs in the form " UN / LOCODE : ABCDE " ( see : Category : Redirects from UN / LOCODE ), if such a redirect goes to a page that has a Template : Infobox Settlement a new variable un _ locode should be added after the variable area _ code and the value should be the 5 chars, e . g.


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  7. "locofoco"造句
  8. "locofoco party"造句
  9. "locofocoism"造句
  10. "locofocos"造句

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